
Is brain mapping good?

According to new research published in the jounal Science, scientists are now able to tell which word a person is thinking by analyzing brain scan images and scientists are working on a computer model that foretells the brain activation patterns associated with things people experience with their senses. The research has made mind reader possible in the future and could have applications in the study of autism, disorders of thought such as paranoid schizophrenia, and semantic dementias such as Pick's disease. But if this technology is widely used in our daily life, it will bring many ethical problems as well since people will regard this technology as a privacy ruiner. I think with rules and controls, this technology will not have too many ethical problems and it can contribute a lot to our human beings. To me, this technology is awesome because aside from we can apply this technology in the study of mental diseases, we can also apply this technology in public security. Suppose we catch a suspicious murderer and we do not have enough evidence to indict him. Then we can use this technology to test what he is thinking and what he had experienced. But the problem also arises, what if the suspicious murderer is innocent? Did we invade his privacy and human right? So in order to avoid future ethical problems, we need necessary rules to control the usage so that we will not abuse this technology. Firstly, we should control the people who have access to this technology. I think people who can access to this technology should only be government. Also, this technology cannot be used without approval from certain departments from both government and scientists, which means we cannot use this technology to anyone suspicious; we can only use this technology when the case is very important and we are quite confident about our conclusion, then we can use this technology. If the person is innocent, then the government will compensate the person. Although rules can only reduce rather than eliminate ethical problems, this technology is great and important to human beings' development. Everything has two sides and we can make full use of the good side and try to avoid the bad side. In conlusion, this technology is good and we should work on it and use it to make contributions to our society.


Yik Zheng said...

Hi! I think you missed out the part on 'how to predict potential unethical abuses of your work'.
Anyhow, it is very true that only authorized personnel are able to gain access to such advance yet dangerous technology. Just like what Vicki mentioned in her post that even government has to pay for the price if the person is proven innocent. Hence, we need rules and regulations to make sure that we can apply the technology in certain situations.



khoose said...

Hi Vicki,
You have completed all 5 Portfolio tasks. Good work. All the very best for the exam, and remember to keep on working on improving your English. Read as much as you can, and take note not just of the content but also of the way that different writers write for different purposes.

By the way, I agree with what you said in Portfolio Task 4; you really need to write more formally. You said that you want to read more newspapers to improve your writing style; this helps, but do note that newspapers have style that can sometimes be informal as well. Perhaps you could try reading a mixture of academic articles and fiction as well, so that you are exposed to a range of styles and can learn to recognize the differences.

Good luck!
Ms Khoo :)